NDSFC Great Planers Trout & Salmon Club  

P.O. Box 7085
Bismarck, ND 58507-7085
"Promoting Trout and Salmon Fishing in North Dakota"

CONTACTS - Officers for 2005-2006

President: Dale Twardoski
Vice President: Al Nosbusch
Sec/Treas: Barb Fischer – Email: ffischer@bis.midco.net
Program Chair: Monte Babeck
Newsletter Editor: Della Schick
Derby Chairs: Blair Ihmels, Jon Mitzel


The Great Planers Trout and Salmon Club promotes sport fishing upon Lake Sakakawea, the Missouri River, Lake Oahe, and other waters in North Dakota. More specifically, the Club's purpose is to promote trout and salmon fishing based on the following principles:

  • To encourage the exchange of fishing information between Club Members.
  • To provide educational opportunities in trout and salmon fishing techniques to Club members and non-members.
  • To help instruct the public and assist agencies to fight pollution of the State's waters.
  • To encourage the respect of the right of others while engaged in fishing and other marine activities.
  • To provide all practicable assistance to government agencies responsible for fish management programs in North Dakota.
  • To operate as a non-profit, public service organization.


Membership Benefits: The annual dues of $15.00 per family allows you to participate in the following activities: Summer Outings: Mini Salmon/Trout fishing contests are held monthly July, August, and September to co-inside with our monthly Salmon boils where delicious Salmon and fixings are prepared and great prizes are awarded. Annual Salmon/Trout Derby: A yearly derby is held in August with a lot of fun and prizes. All of these activities are typically held at the main shelter of Lake Sakakawea State Park.

Annual Salmon/Trout Derby: A yearly derby is held at Lake Sakakawea State Park. The derby begins Friday evening with sign-up and review of rules. Fishing runs from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, ending with trophies and prizes being awarded. Cost to enter the derby is $30.00/boat, maximum of three persons per boat.

Annual Meeting: In January, members hold a “Pot Luck Supper” and elect the Executive Board for the upcoming year. Also upcoming events and items of interest are discussed and voted upon. The winner of the 'Early Bird' contest is announced. All members who have paid their club dues for the upcoming year are entered in this contest.

Annual Pizza Party: In appreciation of the hard work of the Garrison Hatchery and the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, we invite them to a Pizza Party held in Bismarck. The cost is $5.00 per person.

Spring Meeting: Members meet in Bismarck to swap strategies and listen to presentations on tackle and techniques.

Newsletter: The club newsletter is published several times a year to keep the membership informed of upcoming events, President's message, technical tips and information on salmon and trout fishing, recipes, want ads and much more!

*All activities are held at the main shelter of Lake Sakakawea State Park. For further details contact one of the club officers above.


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